
Farm tracks

The M800 and M1000 were used to do this farm conversion, making tracks for machinery and stock. Hard fill was removed off the top of a hill and used as the base for the tracks. The tractors were 300/250 h/p pulling a 10mand 8m. Using the HW Maxi Scrapers with the tilt axles was easy to contour and shape the tracks. It is very easy to get a laser like finish to the job.


River bed redirection

A contractor redirected a river bed and used a M600 to transport the rocks from the river to the crusher. The crushed rocks were then reloaded into the scraper before being spread onto cow lanes. He pulled another tip trailer behind and tipped the trailer load off and used the scraper to level and finish the job.


Oxidation pond

A M600 behind a FIAT G 170. Nearing completion of an oxidation pond in Taranaki. The pond was over 2 metres deep yet completed in just 4.5 hours with a M600!


Section Devlopment

Using a Maxi 600 with a castle cut blade we reinstated top soil back onto a section that needed building up. The castle blade had the effect of breaking up the top soil into a soft loam as it went into the bowl. This made it very easy to spread out in layers for the final trim.

This blade configuration is ideal for breaking down hard soils, clay and metal. It is ideal to used in clay spreading operations as it allows a thinner layer to be spread, bigger lumps of clay often get dragged along to the end of the spread run. This blade allows the bigger lumps to go through the cutout giving you a more even spread.


Fielday Devlopment

With a Maxi 600 we transformed this site from a wet swamp (paddock at a fielday in Australia) to a dry usable field suitable for exhibitors to use to display there machinery on.

The project was done during the fieldays over the 3 days to show attendees to the fieldays the advantage of our scrapers and the area that was developed was approximately 2 acres.


Farm Race

This race was cut and formed using a M800, stripping the top soil then forming the sub soil to create the cambers and v drains for this driveway. Sand was also cut from this block then spread as a base course for the drive.



This subdivision had all its ground works done by a MAXI 800 which was towed by a John Deere 8400. The roads were all cut using the MAXI 800 only and to council specifications. On this job, the contractor did 240 cycles a day each time shifting an average of 8.5m2,stock piling it in piles which were able to be driven over. The topsoil was divided & spread over the 10 acres block of land. In one day, the MAXI 800 was shifting over 2000 metres of topsoil (averaging 30 loads an hour) with a round trip of approx ½ a km.